cardboard furniture laser cutting

Free laser templates for schools and universities

Our favorite laser templates made of wood

Peter Brandtner
19. Jänner 2021 • 3 min

In the knowledge section of our website, we provide a variety of free laser templates for download. At schools and universities in particular, knowledge differs among users. Laser templates and the corresponding settings make it easy to get started with your first self-lasered workpieces. We have put together some highlights for students from our free laser templates.

Laser templates for beginners

“Every journey begins with a first step.” Start the laser journey in the classroom with very simple laser templates, for example, a personalised keyring. In your course, cut a keyring pendant using 3 mm wood (e.g. alder wood). As a special highlight, your students can engrave this with their name or a message. Or you can start with an information sign, colourful tags or coasters made of wood or acrylic.

Laser templates for advanced users

If your class has already taken first steps with a laser cutter, you might want to try working on slightly more difficult workpieces. For example, how about a laser template for a snack bowl? Once you have downloaded the file and the laser parameters, your foldable bowl will be ready in no time. We recommend the sustainable and biodegradable laser material TroCraft Eco. Other ideas for more advanced users might be a wall decoration or a miniature rocking chair.

Laser templates for professionals

The trickiest projects are often the most fun! We suggest to build the first small model together with your pupils and students using the laser cutter. The Trotec community particularly liked the laser template for a windmill and the building instructions for a model airplane.


More about the author: Peter Brandtner

Peter Brandtner has been advising Trotec customers for more than 15 years. As Head of Trotec Academy and the application laboratory, his focus is on the international training and coaching of Trotec customers and employees.
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